Should you Choose the Repair Facility your Insurance Company Suggests?

When you are involved in an auto accident, one of the first things you do is call the insurance company to report the collision damage.  The insurance representative will then list their preferred collision repair centers.  Before choosing one from the list, ask yourself, what criteria do they use to choose the auto body shops?  Is it trusted, quality work? Is it speed of the repair?  Is it because they repair vehicles inexpensively?

Each party, is either the insured (it’s your fault) or the claimant (not your fault). If you are the insured you will have to pay a deductible regardless of the auto body shop.  If you are the claimant you will incur no cost.  So, if the costs are the same it makes sense to take it to an auto body shop you trust.

Ask friends, neighbors, co-workers, who have they used?  What was their experience?  Look at online reviews.  If the reviews are good on many sites, chances are they are legitimate reviews.  Is the collision center, family owned and concerned about their reputation or is it owned by a corporation?

Vehicles are not only expensive, but you depend on yours to get you to work and other places.  Passenger safety is a huge concern.  If a part is supposed to be replaced would you feel comfortable with a auto body shop repairing it?  How long has the collision center been in business?  If it has been decades, has the equipment been updated to work on today’s technology advanced vehicles?

In the state of Arizona, consumers are allowed to choose any collision center.  The insurance company can only suggest where you take your vehicle.  Reputable shops offer lifetime warranty on work and stand behind it because they care about their reputation and business. It is worth doing a little investigation and knowing your rights as a consumer.

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Tina Small has been part of the Airpark Collision Center team since 2006. Working directly with customers, her goal is to share frequent customer questions, and proper methods of collision repair.
